I'm using popups to display flash caps, so make sure your popup blocker is configured, so that it will allow popups on this page.

Sunday, June 23, 2013


One flash cap comes alone very rarely. Once i'm in the workprocess, it's much easier to just do another one. So here's my second flash cap since two years ago. Hope you enjoy. Let me know if you want more of these.

Show Flash Caption (POPUP)

Saturday, June 22, 2013

A duel of wizards (NEW FLASH CAP)

Finally, i came around making another flash caption. It's been years since the last one, so it's nothing too big and i'm also not so sure when the next one is gonna come around.
But i hope that you like it anyways. :)

Show Flash Caption (POPUP)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Flash functioning again

It seems that in my absence, the flash content had stopped working, because blogger decided to disallow Frames on all their pages. That means that the content can't be displayed on this page anymore. So i changed the script to a popup-function. Make sure to disable your popup filter or allow this page to open popups. I don't like popups either, but i don't see an alternative right now.

I'm also, as mentioned many times, not going to continue doing flash caps right now, because i'm not motivated enough to give captioning so much time. I'm considering doing a tutorial on how to create them though, so more people could do flash caps. The technical issues are really not that hard to understand. I consider the content-finding much more time-consuming. Would you like me to make a tutorial, so you could learn to do flash caps? Leave your comments.

In the meantime, i will be concentrating on my "captions-only" blog relattic.stills, so if you want to read new stories by me, check that out and follow me there. Maybe my motivation will rise again some time in the future, but i don't feel like it's about to happen in a short time.

Anyways, since the flash caps archive is working again, i hope you enjoy my previous work again.
Click here to get a list of all flash captions.

See you soon.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

relattic.stills Blog

So i thought about why i didn't want to caption anymore and i figured it might be because i wanted this blog to be something different. I want to make flash, video and slideshows here and to do that is most of the time very time consuming. But i also don't want to use this blog to post normal captions because it would be harder to find the good "media" content.

That's why i thought i'd open a second "captions-only" blog. I will NOT promise to post new content there regularily but i think it'll motivate me enough to do some things each month.

relattic.stills Blog

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Shaman

It's been almost a year since my last post. I'm not going to upload new content regularly now, but every now and then, there's still gonna be something new - even if it's only once or twice a year. ;)
I just feel to good in my regular life right now that i am not motivated to do this stuff more often.

Altough today, to celebrate 150k views, i will share a new slideshow comic with you.
Hope you enjoy it and see you another time. ;)